home services

Electrical and CCTV camera installation test and inspections internal and external replacement of lamps Blown fuses, Circuit Breakers Socket outlets, Fused spurs, Light switches, Fault finding, and repairs. He ensures our reputation has reflected in the quality services we offer. Services include repair & maintenance, installation, and upgrades. Our Electricians have the skills and know-how to meet your requirements, all at a great value. Whatever your precise electrical needs, we offer services which can help you meet them. Installation of electric ports at your domestic or commercial property -Single-phase and 3-phase installations of electrical works


Ac Repair installation-why AC service is important

Here are 7 reasons why AC service is important:

  • 1.Improves air quality. AC service performed regularly will ensure clean air filters. …
  • Increases life span. …
  • Reduces breakdown. …AC Service Request
  • Prevents expensive replacement. …
  • Removes bad air. …
  • Remain cool



Read on for some tips for the maintenance of air cooler:

1. Cleaning all of the dust

2. Properly storing it

3. Keep in mind the wiring and insulation

4. Make sure the motor is in good condition


air cooler service requestHow to use an Air cooler

Please check before starting the cooler

Please check the power supply is correctly connected.

Please check the earth wire is connected correctly. Make sure that the leakage protection switch can work.

Please check the power is connected tightly to the control box. Make sure that phase lines are connected right.

Please check the water can enter the tank normally. Air cooler service request

Please check whether the water level is among 80-100. And check the valve works.

Please check the venture is connected right to the fan.

Please check the drain valve can work.

Please clean the chores in the pan.

Please check the pump and fan can work.

Please check the motor can work.

Cleaning the Air Cooler

Cleaning the Air Cooler

Open the side panel, take out thimble and setting-up piece.

Separate the cooling pad and side cover.

Clean the cooling pad with tap water, but not large pressure.

Clean the tank and open the drain valve to dry the tank.

After cleaning, close the water valve.

Install the side panel and start ventilating to make the cooling pads and tank dry.

Hood the dust cover of the cooler. Shut down the power supply.

5 proper refrigerator maintenance tips -home services

Check the Door Seals. … Keep Coils Clean. … Clean the Inside. … Check Temperature. … Keep it Filled.


1. Clean the Coils: Keeping your coils free of dust, debris, and pet hair helps the refrigerator operate smoothly and efficiently.

2.  Maintain the Temperature:Check the temperature often in both the refrigerator and freezer sections of your unit.

3. Check the Gasket:If your gasket isn’t sealing well, cold air can escape. This makes the unit work harder, using more energy to maintain the right temperature. book your service

4. Close the Door:As it turns out, your mother was right: keeping the refrigerator door closed is one of the best ways to ensure proper refrigerator maintenance.

5. Keep it Level:If your refrigerator is not level, the doors may not close completely or seal properly, and the motor may have to strain unnecessarily. Use a level tool on the shelves to check your refrigerator’s position.

whole house water filtration system maintenance

Maintenance is a must for most water filtration systems. Generally, the primary object that filters or purifies the water, has a limited life cycle, based on time, water amount, contaminant level, and some other parameters.

Reverse Osmosis (R O System):Reverse osmosis is the highest for of drinking water purity available for residential use, and is the purification system type that we provide

Service Tips

To help keep your reverse osmosis at a maximum lifecycle, here are some tips:

  • Ensure that the RO is being serviced every 6-12 months, preferably through a professional water purification company.
  • The system cartridges should be sanitized every service.
  • The tank pressure must be set at the proper level to provide maximum water amount and correct pressure, this should be completed every service.
  • O’Rings should be inspected and replaced to prevent leaks.
  • Water Softeners:Water softeners, using an ion exchange process, transform hard water into soft water. The ion exchange process involves using sodium chloride (table salt) to run through the system, where the molecule splits leaving behind only the sodium molecules.
  • Ultraviolet Light Systems (Well Water, Spring Water, Rainwater Harvesting)
  • Ultraviolet light systems are a great way to eliminate any chance of bacteria in water.
  • UV systems are made up of three primary maintenance parts.
  • The lamp – MUST be replaced EVERY YEAR.
  • The quartz sleeve – needs to be replaced when cracked or coated in scale, etc.
  • The o’ring – needs to be replaced every time the lamp is replaced.

How to Maintenance for Your Microwave Oven-servicing

Microwave ovens are cheaper and easier to replace than the larger appliances in your kitchen, so many people don’t worry about preventative care.

Keep the inside and outside clean. Clean:By regularly wiping out the inside of your microwave, you cut down on bad smells and keep spots and corrosion from developing.

Dust, grease, and other residues can build up on the outside of your microwave, especially on the controls. For service chat

Never put metal in your microwave:The microwaves emitted from the oven bounce off of metallic materials, so metal in the oven will cause the interior to heat up unevenly and can cause damage. This includes aluminum.

Make sure the door closes properly. If the door is damaged or the seal is cracked, food won’t cook evenly and radiation can escape.

Cover your food. Use a microwave-safe plastic cover over your dishes, or use the lids on your microwave-safe food containers.