

There are four major types of advertisement media, Print, television, outdoor signage, and digital media advertisements.

Offline advertising

  • Newspaper advertising; These can be long-established mediums, such as print media in the form of newspaper advertisements, or contemporary mediums, like social media advertisements.
  • TV advertising; Television advertising is a type of advertising, that refers to the promotion of a product or service through commercials or sponsored content that are broadcast on television channels during designated time slots
  • Radio advertising; In radio advertising, businesses pay for commercials or spots on the air. Jingles are short, catchy tunes frequently used in radio commercials to help a brand be remembered. Advertising spots are designed to promote a specific product or service at a particular time and location.
  • Leaflets and flyers; Flyers and Leaflets are both low-cost printed items usually printed in higher quantities and distributed free. Both are described as “throwaways” as
  • Brochures; A brochure is a promotional document primarily used to introduce a company, organization, products, or services and inform prospective customers or members of the public of the benefits.
  • Posters; Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and informative. Posters may be used for many purposes. They are a frequent tool of advertisers (particularly of events, musicians, and films), propagandists, protestors, and other groups trying to communicate a message.
  • Outdoor hoardings: Outdoor advertising can target a mass audience, and the message can be communicated very easily. It is a great way to increase the brand image. Outdoor media strategically uses several media formats to promote businesses and reach a large target audience while being cost-effective too.
  • Auto stickering: Placing our advertising on passenger auto-rickshaws by branding the Auto rickshaw back panel is known as Auto Rickshaw back sticker it is also called Auto sticker advertising. The advertisements on auto rickshaws will spread the message to every corner of the city all the time.
  • Business cards;
  • Auto Announcements: Auto-rickshaw branding is a marketing strategy where companies advertise their products or services by placing advertisements on auto-rickshaws

Online advertising

  • Social Media Advertising: Social media advertising is a type of digital marketing strategy that uses social networks, such as LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, and Instagram, to deliver paid ads to your target audience.
  • Email marketing; Email marketing is a powerful marketing channel, a form of direct marketing as well as digital marketing,
  • SMS: Text messaging has become one of the best ways for businesses to communicate with customers.
  • video marketing; Video marketing can be used to create targeted ads and persuasive product or service videos that can help drive sales.
  • Web promotions: Website promotion is an extremely popular concept in today’s business environment.